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Dancers Taking it to The Edge

After every WCS competition there are dancers asking why, why didn’t I make finals. All those weeks of anticipation and preparation to compete in a Jack and Jill, only to miss the call back for finals. It can be trying on your emotions. Some look to blame the judges, some are upset that their partner didn’t offer them opportunities or had placed them off time, some point fingers at the Deejays’ music choice, while others insist the judges couldn’t see them. These are all variables the dancer has little control over. There is one area the dancer can control and it is with themselves. For the dancer that accepts his or her responsible to put the best on the floor during the entire competition, there is hope.

We as dancers know the frustrations and are working to offer all dance competitors a road map to perform at their best for the judges. We first direct dancers to read the judging criteria to better understand what our judges are looking for during the dance. We go beyond with describing what we see as swing content. Next we offer recommendations of where to focus your skills based on your competition level. As a follow up, we provide judges feedback cards for the non-finalist. Our last means to help is where these dances need to take it next: to The Edge.

Sonya offers a two hour intensive for competitors, The Edge, where her program integrates the judges feedback cards. Finally competitors will have an opportunity to learn what went wrong and how to fit it without blame. Her intensive is deeply discounted at our regular price so the early bird rate at $40 is an opportunity not to be missed. Check out Sonya’s bio and the registration page today.